Freedom from Sin

1 John 3:4-10

In what way am I tempted to keep on sinning?
Do I recognise the warning signs that may help me turn away from this?

Growth in numbers coming to faith and being disciples

Acts 2:38-41

We don’t know all the answers, but we just need to, and can say what we do understand and know.
Do things that make a positive difference.
How can we share the message of God’s Kingdom with people around us?

This shows the spread of Christianity across the world.

Growing in Impact in the World

Isaiah 58:1-9

Most people in our communities don’t care much about what we do in church on a Sunday morning. They do care about how we are with them, what positive difference we make in the world. Several Bible passages indicate that God cares greatly about our impact in the world.

Growing in Depth of Faith

John 15:5-14
God wants His Church to Grow and His people to grow in depth of faith. Throughout the new testament we are called to grow in Christ. Today we take a brief look at a passage that talks about this.

International Nepal Fellowship – Raju Adhikari

Isaiah 51:1-3

This passage encouraged the Nepalese after the earth quake that struck on 25th April last year.

Walking Away From Salvation

Luke 24:13-35

The two people walking to Emmaus must have been bewildered from all that had gone on during that week. Then a third person came alongside them and things changed.


How do you explain Jesus’ death and resurrection?

Some things are very hard to explain. Jesus’ death and resurrection are the ultimate example of love and if we seek to believe, we can receive forgiveness.